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Guidelines for writing your abstract  

 Write Clearly and Concisely:

  • Use clear and straightforward language.

  • Avoid jargon or overly technical terms or short forms that may be unfamiliar to the audience 

  • Be concise but ensure that all essential information is

  • Provide relevant keywords

Proof read:

  • Check abstract for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

  • Ensure that all information is accurate and well-


  • After submitting your abstract, you may receive a confirmation email or notification from the conference organizers.

  • Keep track of any communication regarding your abstract submission.

Highlight Key Points:

  • Emphasize the novelty or significance of your

  • Clearly state the main findings or conclusions.

  • Highlight any implications or applications of your work.


  • Note the submission deadline and make sure to submit your abstract before the specified date.

  • Allow enough time for any revisions or edits before the deadline.


  •  If your abstract is accepted, prepare your

  • oral/e-Poster presentation based on the content of your abstract.

  • Organize your presentation to effectively communicate your research within the allotted time

  • Make arrangements to attend the conference and deliver your presentation.

  • Be prepared to engage with the audience and answer questions about your research.

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